“Feminine Intelligence is replete with rigorous research and sound advice. In these challenging times, to heal our homes, our communities, and our world, we desperately need the practical wisdom that Elina Teboul shares with us in Feminine Intelligence.”

Tal Ben Shahar,
Creator of Harvard University Happiness Course, New York Times Bestselling Author of Happier
“In Feminine Intelligence, Elina Teboul transcends traditional leadership paradigms, offering a holistic approach that aligns perfectly with the values of social and environmental responsibility championed by B Corps. This book not only provides invaluable insights into conscious leadership but also inspires readers to navigate the complexities of the 21st-century business landscape with integrity and purpose. It is truly a transformative guide for leaders committed to making a positive impact in the world.’

Ben Anderson,
Former CEO and Co-Chairman of the Board of B Lab U.S and Canada
“An inspiring call to awaken your heart to take the lead. Feminine intelligence isn’t about thinking outside the box, it is about reimagining a world that doesn’t put you in a box in the first place.”

Dan Tomasulo, Ph.D.,
Author of Learned Hopefulness and Academic Director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University.
“Teboul boldly reminds us of what we have lost by overemphasizing the rational, linear and masculine side of capitalism, and invites us into the ultimate both/and that values the intuitive, holistic and feminine side in service of a better world. This book is a manifesto for the future of leadership.”

Wendy K. Smith, Dana J. Johnson Professor of Management,
Author of Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems
“With a blend of pragmatic business acumen and bold idealism, Elina Teboul challenges readers to envision a new paradigm of capitalism. Prepare to rekindle your faith in a future whereby doing good and succeeding in business are not mutually exclusive.”

Jill Lublin,
Author of The Profit of Kindness
“By challenging conventional notions of leadership dominated by masculine perspectives, Elina Teboul's book serves as a transformative resource for leaders striving to elevate their effectiveness. Feminine Intelligence is a must-read for anyone in a position of power seeking to cultivate inclusive and empathetic leadership skills.”

Elinor Stutz,
Author of Hired!
“Elina Teboul takes readers on a meaningful, spiritual and imaginative journey into the world of business leadership. This book stands as the quintessential leadership philosophy for the dynamic landscape of the modern era.”

Lorna Davis,
Former Chief Manifesto Officer of Danone
“Feminine Intelligence is an eloquent guide on how businesses, governments, and the public can fulfill their moral and sacred obligation to protect nature. Packed full of wisdom, storytelling, and passion, this book tells the story of innovative leaders with win-win solutions that help address the environmental crisis.”

Grant Wilson,
Executive Director, Earth Law Center
“Teboul’s fascinating work on feminine intelligence offers valuable wisdom to all leaders who want to make a difference, by leading with the head and the heart.”

Mauro Schnaidman,
Former President of Sara Lee in Europe, founder of Coaching Ventures and author of the book Who Said You Can’t Change the World? Building a Career with Purpose
“One of the things I look for in a book is its ability to challenge my values and beliefs—to stretch my brain to look at things through a different lens. I found that in Teboul's 'Feminine Intelligence.’ As I journeyed through the chapters, I relished the chapters that resonated with my deepest beliefs; I was inspired by thought-provoking streams of wisdom; and finally, I was challenged to set aside my biases (at least temporarily) to consider new ways of looking at leadership and life. Yes…my brain was stretched and I enjoyed every minute of it.”

D. Lynn Kelly,
Author of Change Questions
“Elina Teboul reveals how our beliefs about modern business leadership can be woefully misguided. She invites all of us to adopt a timeless, yet under-appreciated approach to leadership based on authenticity, joy, and whole system perspectives rather than control, fear, and tribalism. Feminine Intelligence offers a roadmap for leaders to cultivate these qualities within themselves and create workplaces that foster genuine connection, creativity, fulfillment...and, importantly, sustainable results.”

Gaurav Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas,
Authors of Unfear: Transform Your Organization to Create Breakthrough Performance and Employee Well-Being
"Through vivid storytelling, Teboul illustrates the untapped potential within each of us to revolutionize our leadership approach by embracing our human capacity, both masculine and feminine. Her persuasive argument that the cultivation of feminine intelligence is vital to the survival and thriving of our planet resonates deeply in a time of global uncertainty.”

Dr. Sandro Formica,
Professor of Positive Organizations at Florida State University
“With Feminine Intelligence, Elina Teboul challenges the business world to enter a new era of conscious capitalism. Her approach to blending economic success with global well-being and environmental sustainability is innovative and essential. This book is a powerful guide for current and future leaders to create lasting, positive impact.”

Elisa Juarez,
Bestselling author of Sparkle on Changemaker: A Practical Guide for Equitable Social Impact
“Elina Teboul offers a refreshing perspective on leadership that feels like a breath of fresh air. Feminine Intelligence is a must read. The ideas here will transform the way you think about leadership and your role in creating a happier world.”

Karen Guggenheim,
Co-Founder of the World Happiness Summit and author of Cultivating Happiness: Overcome Trauma and Positively Transform Your Life
“I love this book! Feminine Intelligence is the kind of work that shifts perspectives on leadership forever. It’s an inspiring and essential read for anyone seeking to create a more balanced and compassionate world”

Poonacha Machaiah,
CEO of The Chopra Foundation